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A “Quick Conversation” regarding healthcare marketing and AI.

This week our Podcast launched season 4.5 with a new series titled “Quick Conversations.” And we started with a friend of ours, Jeremy Miller of Boost by Design. Jeremy has been our digital marketing partner for several years and is beyond awesome to work with. So, it was obvious to have him on for a few minutes to hopefully help our listeners as he has helped us. The topic included AI and some general guidance on its use in healthcare marketing. We have all seen article and posts about AI’s use and influence on the clinical and operational side, with a dash of Revenue Cycle influence, but can it be a save all efficient resource with online marketing? As Jeremy points out, just as with AI in clinical or data usage, a human still needs to be involved with the marketing aspect of your AI strategy. In other words, allow AI to be the ‘starter’ of your content, but do not simply hit Start and Submit buttons without your personal review and human touch. Just as with any human relationships, marketing with AI should always have that same important element.

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