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October 21, 2020

SHP Fall Webinar Series New Dates

SHP has added new dates and topics in our Fall webinar series, which focuses on a variety of current and bottom line-impactful  topics. These webinars serve as a tool to educate and provide actionable takeaways for healthcare providers on real…

September 24, 2020

BCBSGA Provider Enrollment Update: Mid-Levels

Attached is a guide on how to submit for mid-levels via the Provider Maintenance Form for BCBSGA. If submission is done as an “Organization” a roster can be uploaded so it won’t be as tedious as completing a form per…

September 10, 2020

Hospital Pricing Transparency Webinar

Strategic Healthcare Partners in conjunction with Michele Madison at Morris, Manning & Martin present a review of the recent final rule issued by CMS requiring hospitals to release and publish pricing information BEFORE providing services.  We have heard many questions…

June 29, 2020

MIPS Reporting Year 2020 Guidance Update

MIPS Reporting Year 2020 Guidance Update After weeks of waiting, CMS has finally updated its MIPS guidance around the Reporting Year 2020 (RY2020). While CMS may make additional changes, this is the first major change for RY2020 we have seen…

June 5, 2020

COVID-19 & MIPS Reporting Year 2020

Despite the on-going health crisis, the Quality Payment Program is still in full swing for Reporting Year 2020. MIPS practices, ACOs, and APMs are all expected to report their 2020 performance in Q1 2021. So far, CMS has only made…

March 11, 2019

Let’s Talk About How We Utilize the Department of Insurance

As the payer market in Georgia has consolidated through mergers/acquisitions; one of their key goals was increased efficiencies that they could leverage through size. Unfortunately, their provider partners have seen the exact opposite: consolidation has taken significant power out of…

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