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May 31, 2019

Primary Care First: Why CMS’ Latest Program Truly Matters

The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) released yet another voluntary payment model intended on restructuring financial reimbursement for primary care services. At face value, Primary Care First furthers many of the underlying concepts utilized in CPC+ by generally…

March 29, 2019

Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care Network Adequacy

In mid-November 2018, the CMS, under the direction of the Trump administration, proposed highly anticipated modifications to managed care regulations that were put in place back in 2016. These modifications would grant states more flexibility in determining network adequacy standards…

February 28, 2019

Tips for Creating Engaging Content

In the age where Buzzfeed listicles dominate and memes have replaced words, it’s difficult to figure out how to create blog content that will keep a reader engaged past the title. The good news? We have some tips on how…

February 22, 2019

The Life Cycle of a Resume

When recruiting for a job, companies look for many things before they even pick up the phone to call you for an interview.  Most people think that when you, the potential job candidate, submit a resume online, it gets screened…

February 8, 2019

Gossiping vs Venting in the Workplace

Everyone has a friend/colleague that we like to discuss things with such as work or other colleagues in the workplace.  We like to discuss the good, bad, and ugly of our workplace stresses, frustrations, and annoyances with our friend/colleague…does this…

December 21, 2018

Medicare Advantage: In-Network vs. Out-of-Network

Medicare Advantage plans continue their unabated growth; in 2019, plan options across the United States have grown by 20% from 3,100 plans in 2018 to 3,700 plans in 2019.  By 2025, it is expected that Medicare Advantage market saturation will…

December 13, 2018

Continuity of Care QPP Measures

Introducing continuity of care measures to the Quality Payment Program (QPP) may be the best route to lower healthcare costs and reduce hospitalizations according to a study recently published in the Annals of Family Medicine. Provider-level measures that support value-based…

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