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April 28, 2022

 ASC 201: Value Based Care Strategy in the ASC Setting

Value-Based Care has finally come for the specialists……the first specialist based value models have arrived, primarily addressing bundled payments or site of care redirections. But beyond that, your primary care referral base are taking on more risk in managing the…

June 29, 2020

MIPS Reporting Year 2020 Guidance Update

MIPS Reporting Year 2020 Guidance Update After weeks of waiting, CMS has finally updated its MIPS guidance around the Reporting Year 2020 (RY2020). While CMS may make additional changes, this is the first major change for RY2020 we have seen…

June 5, 2020

COVID-19 & MIPS Reporting Year 2020

Despite the on-going health crisis, the Quality Payment Program is still in full swing for Reporting Year 2020. MIPS practices, ACOs, and APMs are all expected to report their 2020 performance in Q1 2021. So far, CMS has only made…

January 21, 2019

What to Consider With Fee-For-Value Health Plans

Health plans, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and national news are touting the ongoing move from straight fee-for-service healthcare into fee-for-value healthcare. Upon initial glance, fee-for-value models absolutely provide new revenue streams for healthcare providers. However, when considering…

January 18, 2019

FHIR Finally Breathing Interoperability

With 82% of hospitals and 64% of Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Eligible Clinicians using EHR technology supported by Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®), it might be time for patients, providers, and health systems to finally expect complete and centralized…

March 20, 2018

Capitol Watch: Legislative Day 35

Legislative Day 35
It’s been a busy week at the State Capitol with many twist and turns as we see the legislative session
and term make its way to the end. We’ve seen many bills placed on other bills and an attempt to get
them passed this year. We will be on high alert in the remaining days. Please watch for alerts as we
close out the session.

May 4, 2017

Thriving in the Quality Payment Program

If there is one universal given in healthcare today, it’s the complexity and fear of the unknown of the Quality Payment Program (QPP), or MACRA, whichever title you prefer. From provider feedback, we have crafted an actionable approach to allow…

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