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September 27, 2023

Revisit: Wound and Ostomy Care Gap

In this episode, Jason Crosby and Aaron Higgins provide a quick overview of the PFS Final Rule that released at the end of October. Then Jason talks with Joe Ebberwein. Joe is the Co-founder and Chief Financial Officer of Corstrata,…

September 19, 2023

Establishing a Medicare Advantage Strategy

Mike Scribner and Kelly Mooney recently presented to the Southeast Association of Orthopaedic Executives. They discussed market trends with Medicare and Medicare Advantage, and how to best position your provider organization as part of an overall Manage Care strategy. They…

July 12, 2022

 Medicaid Reprocurement Webinar

Georgia’s Department of Community Health (DCH) is preparing to reprocure its Medicaid managed care contracts (currently held by Amerigroup, CareSource and Peach State Health Plan). DCH’s selection process will begin later this year/early next year for new contracts to go-live…

April 24, 2019

Insurance Plans Piloting Primary Care Programs

Healthcare operations continue to stride forward in new directions; Forbes published an article this week detailing how BCBSGA, UHC and Aetna are running pilot programs where they are directly employing providers that circumnavigate the existing healthcare delivery systems.  From the…

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