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February 25, 2015

Medicare Advantage Rate Adjustments

According to a recent proposal posted by CMS this week, health insurers offering Medicare Advantage plans will see their rates cut by approximately .95 percent in 2016.  The finalized payment rates are expected to be final April 6th.  Below is…

January 26, 2015

30% of Medicare Reimbursement payments to be value-based by 2016

Better, Smarter, Healthier: In historic announcement, HHS sets clear goals and timeline for shifting Medicare reimbursements from volume to value In a meeting with nearly two dozen leaders representing consumers, insurers, providers, and business leaders, Health and Human Services Secretary…

December 15, 2014

Open Enrollment Week 3: November 29 – December 5, 2014

Posted December 10, 2014 by Consumers continued to reach out to in-person assisters or call center representative at 1-800-318-2596 and visited or to learn about their plan options, to find out what financial help is available, or…

December 2, 2014

Georgia’s Chief of Medicaid Division Resigns

Yesterday, Jerry Dubberly, Chief of the Medicaid Division of the Georgia Department of Community Health resigned.  The resignation will be effective January 2, 2015.  No indication on his replacement as of this morning.   The announcement in Georgia Health News: …

February 18, 2014

3 Questions About Your Supply Chain

What percentage of your total operating budget does Supply Chain represent? Most healthcare executives understand that Supply Chain makes up the second largest part of any hospital budget next to labor, but understanding the true amount really depends on what…

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